
Riccardo Linassi

  • Date
    March, 2011

"Wonderlostland", the drumer Ricardo Linassi's personal Project, was produced between January and March 2011. The band also had the participation of some of his colleagues, Dinnamarque, also Beto Lani (Rock Station) and Izael Castro, guitar teacher of Pro Music School, author of the track "For all my Tears" (instrumental). Rafael Dinnamarque also signs "Chains of Misery", assigned to the project since it fitted into the context of the album.
The theme covered is the trivialization of love in the present day, with 12 tracks, in which, besides the special participations, the fans will be able to check out a little more of the composer and be surprised with the singer Ricardo Linassi.

Mauricio Sinner