Released independently, the EP "Novos Tempos" has three songs very well recorded, with all instruments well fitted and leveled, so that neither 'took' the place of other.
Even though they are very young, they are all good musicians. I highlight the duo of guitarists Brenon and Daniel, very well matched and with good riffs.
The sound, despite the band saying that it does not stick to labels, follows rock with hints of heavy melodic and the lyrics are sung in Portuguese. I suggest the band venturing into English for tracks 1 and 3 - not that the fact that they are sung in Portuguese is bad - but I believe that English fits better with their heavy footprint, while track 2 for having a more rocky feel , was very good sung in Portuguese.
Speaking on track 2, "Quero Estar de Volta", if there was goodwill from the so-called rock radio stations (I mean space for new bands without paying for it), it would have space to enter the daily playlist, with its good rhythm and solos according to the melody.
Track List